The HYPNOTIC Amazon Copywriters Secret Amazon Product Listing Blueprint (27 Steps to Sound Barrier Breaking Sales on Amazon)
Want to Sell More of Your Products Using Amazon Copywriting Tricks?
Let an amazon sales page copywriters who's renowned for crafting the best amazon product descriptions and amazon listings show you how to use amazon copywriting to get you faster sales, higher rankings and more customer love...
Discover My Secret 27 Step Blueprint for Transforming a Few 'Hypnotic NLP Sales Copy Tricks' Into More than $10,000,000 in Amazon Sales for My Clients…FREE!
(Only an Inexperienced Amazon Seller Would Dare to Sell on Amazon
Without this FREE Amazon Product Description Blueprint...)
"This should be called the ULTIMATE AMAZON DOMINATION BLUEPRINT. Follow it if you want to 3X your Amazon Business & Sales this Year...or Better!"
~Keith S, Top Amazon Seller
The Most Amazing Part? People who've never made money on Amazon follow this to a 'T' and suddenly see the sales flowing in...within weeks...
Hi There Wisely Proactive Amazon Seller!
So…you’re interested in selling more on Amazon…
- Small Kitchen Appliance Niche
- Fat Burning/Fitness Niche
- Camera/Binoculars Niche
- You’ve found a product you want to sell (or brand, or resell, or arbitrage…)
- You’ve identified your SEO keywords.
- You gave your friends and family free coupons to go online and buy your product so they’re a ‘verified review’ when they leave awesome feedback.
- You’ve started rising in the ranks and seeing more traffic.
In 2011 My First Amazon Client Ever Graced Me with a 5-Star Review for Crafting Direct Response Sales Copy with a Hypnotic NLP Twist…And The Results Just Keep Pouring In!
- Get Reviews (Go for it!) (sure, you can ‘get reviews in exchange for a free or discounted price’, otherwise known as “paying for Amazon Reviews”, but you’ll only want to do that for the first 5-10 MAX…)
- Give Your Amazon Product Away for Free (Limit this) This tip is perfect if you’re a millionaire, or best friends with a handful of deep pocketed investors ;)…sincerely, I would never encourage you do this beyond your first 10 customers…because if your product is truly great…an Amazon Review Email is all you’ll need to keep the positive vibes flowing in…)
- Improve Your SEO (Absolutely true, as long as you do it right!) However, what’s the point of getting more Amazon search engine traffic…if your Amazon Product description slingshots customers away from paying you…and into the arms of your competition! That’s why TRAFFIC is NOT KING...Words that Sell Are!)
- Continually Undercut Your Competitors Prices (NOPE…Nope…and Triple nooopppee…because all you’ll do is keep sinking, down, down, down…you never want to compete on price…because customers rarely buy on price…they buy on value. And Value, my friend, is created with WORDS…we’ll dig deeper into this in just a second!)
- Advertise (When the time is right, absolutely! Once you know with 100% certainty that your Amazon Product Description turns READERS INTO BUYERS…then its time to turn your profits into more profits…and more profits…and more profits (we call this “recycling profit”)
- Discount (OK…for fast sales, and reviews, and SEO boosts, this works brilliantly! Not a long term strategy...Yet continually trying to be the ‘cheapest’ attracts the wrong type of customers…refunders! So seller beware)
- Market Outside of Amazon with Facebook Posts, Blog Articles, Reviews, Etc (Not So Fast…While marketing outside of Amazon may seem like a no brainer, you need to ensure your Amazon Product Description sells more, so you know how much you can spend based on your profit margin)
- (HOT! Do this NOW) Use big, clear images with bullet points on the image (100% absolutely, yes. Please, if you don’t know how to leverage this trick to elevate your sales…please…reach out)
- Use a ‘data rich title’ (This is about 50% correct…yet infusing SEO into your title (making it ‘data rich’ is not nearly powerful enough to soar past your competition…you need an edge and we’ll discuss that edge shortly)
- Talk about the features and specs like they’re the coolest thing ever (NOPE)…This was ‘enough’ to make a few sales back in 2010…not in today’s cutthroat Amazon Marketplace…
- The BIGGEST MYTH in Writing Amazon Product Descriptions that Sell…is to ‘Simply Focus on the Benefits’ (While it is vital to lay out the benefits, focusing on the benefits is, without question, not powerful enough to soar beyond your competition…and swipe their sales…) Please, if you’re focusing on ‘features and benefits’ or ‘creating data-rich descriptions’, stop now…and do this instead
(DISCLAIMER: Only you are responsible for taking action! Legal Jargon: This Blueprint is 100% Copyrighted by NLP HypnoCopy & May Not Be Distributed for Profit. Feel Free to Share this Blueprint in it's EXACT Current Format (no changes to the PDF or HTML) if you feel it will add value for your friends and followers!)
Create a Competition Intelligence spreadsheet or Word doc with 6 columns (To maximize efficiency, complete all 10 columns in Step 1 & Step 2 for EACH competitor before you move into the next competitor.) Column 1: List your competitors’ product name (you’ll need to craft one that sounds better!) Column 2: List the Competitor’s Amazon Product URL (so you can refer back easily if you need to!) Column 3: List your competitors’ products features Column 4: List all your competitors’ products’ benefits Column 5: List any SEO keywords you see that you’d like to expand upon later Column 6: List any “Technologies” they’ve coined. F.Ex. “CoolTech5000 Delivery System” or “DuraTread Stability Grip” (Remember, these are ALL ‘made up’. I make these up for clients every day for good reason…customers BUY technology! New things! Exciting things! Complex systems you can transform into hip phrases that make prospects feel like they’re getting a ton of cutting-edge value, for a steal of a price… In other words, turning your every day ‘features’ into ‘technology’ turns a tiny facet into a BIG COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE…one the customer understands and feels good plunking money down for…) ----Step 2: ADD CUSTOMER ‘MIND-HACKING’ INTEL to YOUR MAKE MORE SALES ON AMAZON SPREADSHEET
Can you imagine the power of seeing precisely which words your customer must see on paper to trust, believe you, and buy? You can achieve that and more by following this Customer Mind-Hacking Sequence. Before you follow the directions below, you’ll want to add 4 more columns to your spreadsheet (now you should have 10) Remember, to maximize your profits, you must maximize your efficiency! The most efficient way to complete your research is to stick with ONE competitor all the way through the 10 steps, and then repeat steps 1-9 for your next competitor, and next competitor. Column 6: MINE FOR QUESTIONS (Aka…objections) Click on ‘questions’ near the Title of the Amazon Product Description. Write down any customers are asking. Because you’re smart (you’re reading this, and putting it into practice, aren’t you?), you already know that unanswered questions drive customers to the competition. So you’ll use these questions to ensure you’ve left nothing to chance in your Amazon Product Description when we get the writing part later! (BONUS POINTS: Read through the title, bullet points, and description and write down what questions your competition is answering.) Column 7: Click on Testimonials to Perform HOT BUTTON WORD RESEARCH. Read through 5 of the top 5 Star, 5 of the 3 Star, and 5 of the 1 or 2 star reviews. You’re looking for ‘hot button words’ (words that bring the product to life; words that are visual, auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory, olfactory, or ‘power words’; words that push your customers hot buttons so they b uy). Once you find those words, add those words to this column. Column 8: Continue reviewing testimonials. Look for ‘TRANCE WORDS’. These are words you see customers using over and over again. Remember, we know from NLP (neuro linguistic programming) and conversational hypnosis, that words customers use over and over again are ‘Trance Words’. Trance words create a belief anchor that ‘this seller is just like me because they’re speaking my language’. That belief anchor empowers you to sneak past the customers mental ‘buying blocks’, so they stop, listen, and buy! Column 9: Continue reviewing testimonials. Look for OBJECTIONS. “I bought this product because I’d tried Widget ABC, and I didn’t like it because ___________”. The reason they bought your competitors product…that sentence after ‘because’…is pure gold. When you’re competing with the best in your Amazon niche, and all you have are your WORDS to SELL. The person who leverages the power of those words to overcome objections will win every time! Of course, you’ll never effectively overcome objections, unless you know what your customers potential objections are…so get to digging. (You get extra bonus points if you laser-focus in on the objections your competition is overcoming…however, a word-to-the-wise…not every objection they use their ‘sales words’ to overcome is an actual customer concern, and your space is limited, so choose wisely!) Column 10: IDEAS AND INSIGHTS As you’re researching you’ll likely get those writer juices flowing. Don’t stop them! Just write down anything you think of in this column (by the competitor you were researching) so you can easily jaunt your memory with their description should the need arise! *TO GAIN ENOUGH SOLID ‘COMPETITION BEATING’ INTEL, FOLLOW ALL 10 STEPS WHILE REVIEWING AT LEAST 3 COMPETITORS; GENERALLY I REVIEW 5-10* At first this may take you hours, however, the boost in sales you’ll experience (after you’ve crafted your research into a Hypnotic Amazon Product Description) is unbeatable.Step 3: Turn Your “Words” into Money in the Bank
Column 11: List out your products’ features Column 11A (directly next to each Feature) List out the benefits. Ask yourself, “Why is this valuable, cool, or beneficial to the customer?” Remember that every customer who reads a features says, “So What…why does THAT matter?” or “Why does this make your product better than your competitions?” You are responsible for determining why your feature matters! Column 13: List out the UPSIDES to owning your product. Do this in a ‘day in the life of using it’ fashion. (Paint a picture) Now THIS is where it becomes ‘tricky’. Where the few true Amazon Description Pro’s stand leagues above the millions who ‘try and fail’. Ready? Column 14: Turn Your Top Reasons Customers Buy into TECHNOLOGIES. Determine the Top 3 REASONS why a customer will buy. (Remember, they don’t care about why YOU think it’s cool….they’ll only buy because THEY think it’s what they want!) These ‘Top 3’ are your feature/benefit combos. For example, for my client, Epica, below, we crafted the term “Set and Go”. It’s ridiculously SIMPLE, yet stuck like super glue in the minds of busy customers! Column 15: Prioritize your BENEFITS (make sure the features follow along as you move your benefits around on your spreadsheet). You should always prioritize based on what your research reveals your customer wants the most. Then turn your top benefits/features into bullet points. (Remember, you only get 5 bullet points, at 200 or so characters each (and even if you have more, the human brain only processes so much in tiny “Amazon Font”, so best practice for sales is to stick within that 5 Bullets @ 200 words each limit…so choose your words and your benefit/feature bullet points wisely!) *If you don’t know how to transform benefits and features into bullet points that turns your readers into buyers, then you can leverage the next few years becoming a master of Amazon Sales Copywriting, or you can contact me for a guaranteed flat rate quote =)* NEXT, Infuse your SEO long-tail keyword terms into your bullet points (FreshKeys software provides specific, up-to-the-minute Amazon keywords for any product or niche. Save yourself a ton of research time and grab your keywords from there!) FAQ: How often should I infuse keywords into my Amazon Product Description? Here are a few pointers:- Infuse the main long-tail keywords you’d like to rank for FIRST, into your title, your first bullet point, the first 90 characters of your description, and the last 90 characters of your description.
- Infuse the secondary keywords you’d like to rank for once every 180-220 words, and once in the first 100 words.
- Include your long-tail keyword variations throughout the page.
- BONUS: Infuse ‘cross-sell words’ into your Amazon Sales Copy. Think, “What else might someone use my product for? What else might someone who needs a product like mine be considering as a solution? And, “On what occasion might my product be given as a gift, or a right of passage?”
- 3X BONUS: Infuse “Identity Keywords”. What does the person who uses your product call themselves? What does their group of friends call themselves? Are they ‘preppers’, or ‘moms’, or ‘preachers’, or ‘well educated’, etc.
- BULLET POINT 2: Reason #1 they’ll want yours (instead of the competitions)
- BULLET POINT 3: Reason #2 they’ll want yours (instead of the competitions)
- BULLET POINT 4: Reason #3 they’ll want yours (instead of the competitions)
- BULLET POINT 5: All the Things You Want in a [Product Type] with a 100% Money Back Guarantee/# Year Warranty (this is a great place to HIGHLIGHT BONUSES as well!)
- 100% cotton interior, ultra-strong, scent-free rubber exterior
- Herringbone internal frame to hold in fat
- Smooths belly, tummy and muffin top
- Comfortable to wear
- Money back guarantee
- Imagine You, Instantly Looking Sophisticated, Elegant and Hourglass Sexy: High-back waist cinching posture trainer quickly lifts bust, flattens tummy, prevents muffin top, hides back fat
- Ultra-High Back Arch Covers Full Back to Erase Bra-Bulge: Body shaper vest provides maximum back coverage to reduce extra bulges all the way from shoulder to hip
- Advanced 2 Band Slim-System Provides Flawless, Perfect Posture: 2 bust-lifting bands instantly create proper posture and unbeatable compression to create natural hourglass look
- Become Irresistible in this Date-Safe Waist Cincher: Latex-Free Design Provides Unrivaled Support without the Rubber Tire Smell So You Get the Elegant Posture You Desire, All-Day and Night
- Innovatively Designed to Create the Ideal Balance of Compression, Comfort and Control: Wide straps provide no-shift security, while 4 rows of hooks provides a glove-like fit that slims down with you
Now you tell me, if you were a woman who wanted to turn heads in that little black dress…which product would YOU choose?
It’s not a trick question…you’d buy from product description #2, even if it only had a few reviews! Because the words bring the product description to though she's wearing it now...she can feel what she wants to feel when she puts on that little black dress...she sees what she wants to see...heads turning! Because she doesn't want to buy 'the most logical product'. She wants to buy an EMOTIONAL she sells herself with emotion...and only then does she justify the desire to buy with logic (the only reason for listing the features at all!)Now that you’ve experienced the power of infusing NLP and conversational hypnosis into your Amazon Product Descriptions, let’s talk about how bringing your product to life quickly draws in more money…
Here’s How I Turned My Clients Optical Device into Every Bird Watchers Biggest Fantasy…Plus Gained 79 HOT Reviews & 100’s of New Sales in a Month
Here’s an example of an Amazon Product Description I crafted for one of my clients, Polaris, who sells bird watching equipment (an extremely competitive niche!) As you can see, the ‘paint a picture’ bullet point (normally #1), is currently #2, and the #2 bullet point (top benefit/feature combo customers are seeking) was moved to #1 for SEO purposes!- Can you pick out the hot button words in the Amazon Description above?
- Can you easily pick out the questions I answered?
- Can you determine which objections I chose to focus on and overcome?
- Can you see how I painted a picture using the first bullet point?
- Can you identify the power words?
What to Do if You’re in a Highly-Competitive niche…like HEALTH...WEIGHT LOSS/DIETING...Nutritional Supplements...Make Money Online...or WEALTH…
- BULLET POINT 1: GUARANTEE. Cover the money-back guarantee and/or lifetime warranty AND the guarantee your product does what it says it does “according to customers”
- BULLET POINT 3: Reason #1 they’ll want yours (instead of the competitions)
- BULLET POINT 4: THE REVERSE PROMISE "I won't tell you xyz widget guarantees you ABC benefit, what I can tell you is that customers say they love how it gives them ____"
- BULLET POINT 5: All the Things You Want in a [Product Type]. Try It Now, You’ll Love It
Here’s How I Transformed an Every Day Waist Slimmer Into 439 Positive Reviews & About 10X’s More Sales By Infusing NLP and Conversational Hypnosis into Her Bullet Points Within just a few months after hiring me to craft her hypnotic Amazon Description!
If you’ve read through all 27 steps you probably realize that top Amazon sellers invest substantial time into crafting their sales descriptions. Because they know undeniably that it’s the difference between 10 sales a month and 100…or 1000.
Yet this isn’t where I stop…we've barely scratched the surface of 'what's possible'!
Beyond the fact that I infuse as many Embedded Hypnotic Commands and NLP Persuasion Phrases as I can into each product description, I continue to tweak, write, and rewrite until I know the customers can see the product leap off the page and into their hands...
If you want to excel at crafting high-converting Amazon Product Descriptions, you must do the same…go through your entire description, word by word and ask yourself, “Can I use a more powerful word?”, “Does this word evoke the emotions the customers must feel to Trust Me and Buy Now?” Is this believable? Am I using the same words the customer would use? Am I speaking to the customer on their level?
Then I take it a few steps further, because I’m proud of my results…and my 90% Word of Mouth Client Referral Rate. And because I want my clients to excel beyond selling a single product on Amazon, and grow their own Amazon Empire.
The truth is, many of my clients began by selling a single Amazon product to supplement their income, then quickly scaled up to transform their lives…
While it imagining transforming from surviving paycheck to paycheck to thriving, in just a few short months, may sound like a pipe dream...1000’s of Amazon sellers are creating this success every day. All by creating a healthy stable of Amazon products, and dominating their niche…
There’s just one problem… Crafting every product description from scratch takes time, training and a massive amount of effort. If you’re not a sales copy expert, your learning curve may appear steep… Even following all 27 steps and sub-steps laid out in this book requires you to invest hours, if not days, to create each hypnotic Amazon Product Description. I mean, you’re more than 15 pages into implementing instructions on bullet points alone, and you still haven’t scratched the surface of how to craft a hypnotic, SEO ranking title (that gets clicked), or description (so potential customers buy!) So it’s easy to see why struggling Amazon sellers reach out and invest in hypnotic Amazon Product Descriptions. Right now you’re at a crossroads. You can continue to struggle to compete on Amazon, invest boat loads of money sending traffic to a an Amazon Product Listing that doesn’t generate enough sales… Or you can hire me to craft your hypnotic Amazon Listings and finally see bigger paydays come in from a sellers account. Of course, because I’ve crafted 100’s of high-selling Amazon Product Descriptions, I confidently back all of my sales copy up with 365 days of unlimited edits, so you know you’ll get exactly what you desire every time! The question on everyone’s mind is… “Is paying you to write my Amazon Sales Copy worth it?” You’ve seen the case studies in the toughest, most competitive niches imaginable. You’ve understood how much time, effort, and strategic thinking goes into crafting just 1 Amazon Product Description… And you know I’m one of (if not the most) highly sought after Amazon Product Sales Description experts in the world. (Proven by the profits and testimonials I gain my clients, and the 5-star praise they garner me with in return!) So by now there’s like just 1 question on your mind… “Can I afford to dominate my niche on Amazon?” Absolutely, in fact, clients often exclaim just how affordable it is! Let’s say, for example, that your product profit margin is $20 per sale (the average last I checked). Of course, your profit margin may be larger if you’re wisely leveraging sales copy so people pay more and buy faster (it’s about Selling with PRESTIGE)… So you pay me to craft your Hypnotic Amazon Description… And because your ranking rises in the search engines, and you suddenly appear like the ‘obvious choice’ across a multitude of keywords, your traffic increases… Now because of the increase in traffic in COMBINATION with the high-converting Amazon Sales Copy (your title, bullet points, and product description), you suddenly find yourself making an just 1 extra sale a day… (Most of my clients make 100’s of extra sales a month, but it really depends on the demand of your product, so stick with me here…) At just 1 extra sale per day, you’re averaging an extra $600 a month. $600. That’s month #1. Now let’s say you’re smart about it, and because you see that your hypnotic Amazon description is converting, you decide to recycle 50% of your profits into advertising. Month #2, because you’re generating traffic to a high-converting description, you sell an extra 3 products a day. That’s $20 x 3 products per day x 30 days average in a month. Or $1800 extra dollars per month... Now you have two choices. You can continue to invest more money into generating traffic until you hit saturation (the point where more advertising doesn’t result in more sales because you’ve reached your entire target audience), or you can do something even more powerful: Add Additional High-Converting Products to Your Amazon Sales Stable. (Of course you could blow your money on all the things you’ve waited so long to buy as well…like that exotic vacation you’ve always wanted…and feel comfortable doing it because you’ll know you’ll make about the same next month.) Me, I advise my clients to draw down about 50% profit for ‘fun’ (whatever that means to you) and recycle the rest into advertising and adding new high-converting sales descriptions on Amazon. Why? Because of this. If 1 product grosses you an extra $1800 a month, you’ll average about $1300 NET a month after Amazon’s fees and if you want even more traffic...advertising. That’s with 3 new sales a day on your Amazon Product. (Or you can promote on social media networks, or in blogs, or with Native Advertising, or however you’re most comfortable!) Now imagine what would happen if you suddenly had 5 products generating $1300 NET EACH per month on Amazon? That’s an extra $6,500 each month…and $78,000 each year. (If you woke up a year from today with an extra $78,000 to spend…how do you think you’d do it? Would you take a year to travel? Quit your job and invest more time in your hobbies? Spend time with loved ones who may not be around forever…when you’re making the average income of an upper middle class American as an extra paycheck…every year…it’s easy to start imagining all the ways your life might improve!) Are you seeing why recycling your profits into more Amazon products and descriptions is well worth your while? So when you see how having a single Hypnotic, SEO Infused Amazon Product Description can increase your income by $15,600 a year…you might expect to invest $5,000 in one Amazon Description (and believe me, clients have offered to pay that for exceptional results!) And when you consider the fact that you could likely replace your entire income, with just a few hours of work a week, by recycling your profits into more products…and net an average of $78,000 a year, for just 3 sales a day on 5 products…you’d understand why charging $30,000 to craft a hypnotic sales copy description would still be quite a steal, wouldn’t it! (Some sales copywriters charge that, yet because I’m bred from a family of boot-strapping small business owners who worked their way into millions…I prefer to keep your investment within reach of the middle-class!) So when you hire me to write your hypnotic Amazon Product Description, you won’t pay anywhere close to $30,000. Or $15,000. Or even $1000. You’ll only invest $425 per description with steep discounts when you decide to dominate your niche in Amazon with a sweet package of 5 or 10! Wouldn’t you trade $425 if someone could empower you to make $15,000 EXTRA this year? What about if I were to hand you $78,000 in exchange for just $1700 for 5 high-converting, SEO infused, Hypnotic Amazon Descriptions? I’d say it’s a no-brainer, but really it depends on how easily and quickly you want to succeed on Amazon. Because if you invest years into learning how to craft hypnotic, NLP infused sales copy, you can do this too! Even a basic, low-sales, Amazon Description from a no-nothing geek on a gig site will cost you into the hundreds…and you’ll never see the mountain sized return I’ve proven to deliver… (Just rewrote an entire series of 15 Amazon Product Descriptions from a guy who ‘focuses on SEO’ because they weren’t converting…turning the huge loss my client paid ‘the other guy’ ($2500) into more than 400 sales in 30 days…So you tell me, would you prefer the cheaper route, or the route you know will add value to your business, and money in your pocket for years to come? Obviously, you’ll take the smarter, safer route, won’t you—the route that makes profiting on Amazon SIMPLE…) By now you’ve seen the 5-star testimonials from more than 5 years’ worth of clients’, you’ve experienced how my style of Amazon Product Sales Copy transforms dry, dull words into product descriptions that leap off the page (and into the cart), so all you need to do now is decide if you’re ready to stop paying for your competitors to get traffic…and start turning their traffic into your sales today!AMAZON STARTER
(Ideal for NEW Sellers...or Single Product Sellers Who Want to Scale Up to More Sales)
(Invest in 4, Get the 5th Amazon Product Description FREE!)
“Yes Diane, I want you to transform my product into a 100% Amazon Compliant Sales Machine with a Hypnotic Amazon Product Description for just $425—delivered just 7 days of when I provide my basic product information. I understand that I’m covered by 365 days of unlimited edits, and sales copy mentoring, and I can reach out to you at any time and get answers to my questions within 24 hours.” “I realize that by investing today, I’m saving more than 50% off what I’d normally pay a high-converting sales copywriter to even look at my Amazon Product Descriptions, and that my value is guaranteed. That means you’re personally taking my Amazon Product by the hand and… >>Performing ALL the competitor and mind-hack research… >>Identifying my perfect prospects “Hot Button” & “Trance Words” >>Transforming Plain Jane benefits into cutting-edge technologies by coining “Irresistible” names for ‘what it does’! >>Unearthing all FIVE TYPES of SEO boosting long-tail keywords for my product (and naturally infusing them throughout my title, bullet points and description in a way that gets my product found more, and faster!) >>Crafting an attention-grabbing (and powerfully SEO’d) Title so customers stop, click, and hear what my product offers… >>Leveraging the power of conversational hypnosis, and your Perfect Amazon Sales Copy Patterns to craft me 5 ultra-compelling bullet points (with the perfect balance of SEO long-tail keywords from all 5 areas sprinkled throughout!) >>Creating the Emotion Evoking sales copy my product demands in the description, transforming even the most skeptical readers into buyers…without batting an eye! >>And after you’ve finished, you’ll put it down for a day and return to infuse even more Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Conversational Hypnosis into my Amazon Sales Description…powering up every phrase, word and story you paint with words that resonate, connect, build rapport and incite rapid action… BONUS #1: Amazon Image Consulting & On-Image Bullet Point Copy. “I understand I simply send you my product images, or image ideas, you tell me if they’ll convert (and how to get them converting even better) and what to write on each…and I get that for FREE! (Consulting Value: $250 Per Hour) BONUS #2: 3 Higher-Converting Product and/or Brand Name Ideas (perfect if you’re not sure how to stand out above the white noise of your competition…and you want to grow your brand into a household name people remember!) Value: $100/Hour | “Yes Diane, I’m playing it smart, and want to rapidly upscale and transform an entire stable of Amazon Products into 100% Compliant Sales Machines with 5 Hypnotic Amazon Product Descriptions for just $1700 (by investing in 4, I get 1 FREE! An additional 20% Savings) I can expect my first Amazon sales copy delivered within just 7 days of when I provide my basic product information, and the rest delivered when I’m ready! (7 day minimum lead time). I understand that I’m covered by 365 days of unlimited edits, and sales copy mentoring, and I can reach out to you at any time and get answers to my questions within 24 hours.” “I realize that by investing today, I’m saving more than 75% off what I’d normally pay a high-converting sales copywriter to even look at my Amazon Product Descriptions, and that my value is guaranteed. That means you’re taking FIVE of my Amazon Products by the hand and… >>Performing ALL the competitor and mind-hack research… >>Identifying my perfect prospects “Hot Button” & “Trance Words” >>Transforming Plain Jane benefits into cutting-edge technologies by coining “Irresistible” names for ‘what it does’! >>Unearthing all FIVE TYPES of SEO boosting long-tail keywords for my product (and naturally infusing them throughout my title, bullet points and description in a way that gets my product found more, and faster!)—I’ll even provide you with “The Master List” so you or your team can infuse SEO into every nook and cranny of your Amazon Backend for a massive uplevel in search engine ranking! >>Crafting an attention-grabbing (and powerfully SEO’d) Title so customers stop, click, and hear what my product offers… >>Leveraging the power of conversational hypnosis, and your Perfect Amazon Sales Copy Patterns to craft me 5 ultra-compelling bullet points (with the perfect balance of SEO long-tail keywords from all 5 areas sprinkled throughout!) >>Creating the Emotion Evoking sales copy my product demands in the description, transforming even the most skeptical readers into buyers…without batting an eye! >>And after you’ve finished, you’ll put it down for a day and return to infuse even more Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Conversational Hypnosis into my Amazon Sales Description…powering up every phrase, word and story you paint with words that resonate, connect, build rapport and incite rapid action… BONUS #1: Amazon Image Consulting & On-Image Bullet Point Copy. “I understand I simply send you my product images, or image ideas, you tell me if they’ll convert (and how to get them converting even better) and what to write on each…and I get that for FREE! (Consulting Value: $250 Per Hour) BONUS #2: 3 Higher-Converting Product and/or Brand Name Ideas (perfect if you’re not sure how to stand out above the white noise of your competition…and you want to grow your brand into a household name people remember!) Value: $100/Hour |
(Save 50% Off of Industry Standard Pricing for High-Converting Copy & Consulting)
(Invest in 4 Amazon Product Descriptions, Get 1 FREE. Save an EXTRA 20%!)
AMAZON EMPIRE DOMINATION(BEST VALUE! Invest in 7, Get 3 Amazon Product Descriptions Free!)“Yes! I fully understand the power of investing in an Amazon Empire, in fact I already have 10 products in mind! I realize that I’ll get 10 products for what I’d normally invest for 7 (a $1,275 SAVINGS!) and I’m ready to hire you to transform my stable of Amazon Products into high-powered, SEO infused selling machines today for just $2975!”GET 10 HYPNOTIC AMAZON SALES DESCRIPTIONS NOW
"A real Pro in the Field! Highly Recommended!"
"You are AMAZING! ...Your words are so powerful
I feel like even stars would want to fall off the sky into my lap..."
"15,000 New Subscribers AND Get All Costs of Campaign Back..."
"$42,000 in Sales...I'm Paying You a Bonus for Those Results!..."
Q: “I see the value in investing in your packages, yet I don’t have enough products ready to go yet. Can I lock-in my savings now, and ‘draw down’ from my bank whenever I need a product?” A: Absolutely, and they never expire! And if you’re looking to dominate an entire niche, or transform your life by growing an Amazon Empire. The only rule you need to know is this; give me 7 days lead time after you send the basic product information so there’s plenty of time to get you everything you need! --- Q: “What happens after I buy my Hypnotic Amazon Product Description Package?” A: Great question! After you click the link for the package you want above, you’ll be taken to PayPal’s secure platform. Once your payment has settled (within 24 hours) I’ll contact you directly via email with a short Amazon Product Brief to complete. You simply list everything you know about your product (my prompting questions make it easy!) and send me any links or testimonials you’d like me to review before crafting your Amazon Product Description, and I’ll get it back to you within 7 days! --- Q: “What kind of products have you successfully crafted product descriptions for on Amazon.” A: Hundreds. In every competitive niche (and some unique, strange and fun ones too!) Because what matters isn’t the type of product. What matters is that I know how to dive-deep into your competition and your customers’ mind-set to understand, then push every “Buy Now” hot button in your customers’ brain… --- Q: “Are you FDA, FTC, FCC…and Foreign Regulatory Marketing Compliant?” Yes. Across the United States, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Germany, France, and several other countries! *A NOTE ABOUT COMPLIANCE: The FCC, FDA, FTC, and several foreign organizations require you to follow specific advertising laws when selling online. I’ve invested more than $300,000 uncovering the secrets to making promises in a way that complies with these (and other foreign regulatory agencies), and STILL gets the sale…it’s all about how you infuse NLP and Conversational Hypnosis! For example, instead of saying, “I guarantee you’ll make $78,000 this year”, I say, “While I can’t guarantee you’ll make $78,000 from every product description…because your results are determined by your effort, and your ability to pick a product customers want to buy…I can guarantee that you’ll gain more from my sales copy than hiring any other sales copywriter in your niche…or outside of your niche…or I’ll provide 365 days of unlimited edits until you do!” However, my attorney wants me to tell you that you need to check any sales copy over with your attorney before you launch…=) --- Q: “I’m ready to invest in my future on Amazon! What payments do you take?” A: I take anything PayPal accepts (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover, PayPal to PayPal Transfer, etc), because all transactions are conducted 100% through PayPal’s Secure Payment Platform. (Note: Echecks are accepted, yet create a 3-5 day delay before clearing, so please be aware that any ‘clearance’ time for checks is added to your 7 days!) --- Q: “I need more than just Amazon Sales Copy…I need promotional emails, Client Testimonial Grabbing Emails, Ads Crafted…the works! How do I contact you to get a quote…or reach out after I invest?” A: You can always contact me at, or through my contact form at Once you’re a paid client, you’ll have access to ‘ONE 15 minute emergency strategy session’ for every Amazon Product Description you purchase, so you can get the answers you need to proceed immediately (meaning you get access to my home office number…and my next available 15 minutes that day!) --- By now you realize that investing in Hypnotic Amazon Product Descriptions is the fastest, smartest, and most profitable way to maximize your sales on Amazon, so you’re likely ready to get started. If you’re ready to transform your Amazon Sales Copy into money in your bank…the most affordable way imaginable…simply choose the right package for you below.
(Buy 4, Get the 5th FREE!)
“Yes Diane, I want you to transform my product into a 100% Amazon Compliant Sales Machine with a Hypnotic Amazon Product Description for just $425—delivered just 7 days of when I provide my basic product information. I understand that I’m covered by 365 days of unlimited edits, and sales copy mentoring, and I can reach out to you at any time and get answers to my questions within 24 hours.” “I realize that by investing today, I’m saving more than 50% off what I’d normally pay a high-converting sales copywriter to even look at my Amazon Product Descriptions, and that my value is guaranteed. That means you’re taking my Amazon Product by the hand and… >>Performing ALL the competitor and mind-hack research… >>Identifying my perfect prospects “Hot Button” & “Trance Words” >>Transforming Plain Jane benefits into cutting-edge technologies by coining “Irresistible” names for ‘what it does’! >>Unearthing all FIVE TYPES of SEO boosting long-tail keywords for my product (and naturally infusing them throughout my title, bullet points and description in a way that gets my product found more, and faster!) >>Crafting an attention-grabbing (and powerfully SEO’d) Title so customers stop, click, and hear what my product offers… >>Leveraging the power of conversational hypnosis, and your Perfect Amazon Sales Copy Patterns to craft me 5 ultra-compelling bullet points (with the perfect balance of SEO long-tail keywords from all 5 areas sprinkled throughout!) >>Creating the Emotion Evoking sales copy my product demands in the description, transforming even the most skeptical readers into buyers…without batting an eye! >>And after you’ve finished, you’ll put it down for a day and return to infuse even more Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Conversational Hypnosis into my Amazon Sales Description…powering up every phrase, word and story you paint with words that resonate, connect, build rapport and incite rapid action… BONUS #1: Amazon Image Consulting & On-Image Bullet Point Copy. “I understand I simply send you my product images, or image ideas, you tell me if they’ll convert (and how to get them converting even better) and what to write on each…and I get that for FREE! (Consulting Value: $250 Per Hour) BONUS #2: 3 Higher-Converting Product and/or Brand Name Ideas (perfect if you’re not sure how to stand out above the white noise of your competition…and you want to grow your brand into a household name people remember!) Value: $100/Hour | “Yes Diane, I’m playing it smart, and want to rapidly upscale and transform an entire stable of Amazon Products into 100% Compliant Sales Machines with 5 Hypnotic Amazon Product Descriptions for just $1700 (by investing in 4, I get 1 FREE! An additional 20% Savings) I can expect my first Amazon sales copy delivered within just 7 days of when I provide my basic product information, and the rest delivered when I’m ready! I understand that I’m covered by 365 days of unlimited edits, and sales copy mentoring, and I can reach out to you at any time and get answers to my questions within 24 hours.” “I realize that by investing today, I’m saving more than 75% off what I’d normally pay a high-converting sales copywriter to even look at my Amazon Product Descriptions, and that my value is guaranteed. That means you’re taking my business by the hand and… >>Performing ALL the competitor and mind-hack research… >>Identifying my perfect prospects “Hot Button” & “Trance Words” >>Transforming Plain Jane benefits into cutting-edge technologies by coining “Irresistible” names for ‘what it does’! >>Unearthing all FIVE TYPES of SEO boosting long-tail keywords for my product (and naturally infusing them throughout my title, bullet points and description in a way that gets my product found more, and faster!)—I’ll even provide you with “The Master List” so you or your team can infuse SEO into every nook and cranny of your Amazon Backend for a massive uplevel in search engine ranking! >>Crafting an attention-grabbing (and powerfully SEO’d) Title so customers stop, click, and hear what my product offers… >>Leveraging the power of conversational hypnosis, and your Perfect Amazon Sales Copy Patterns to craft me 5 ultra-compelling bullet points (with the perfect balance of SEO long-tail keywords from all 5 areas sprinkled throughout!) >>Creating the Emotion Evoking sales copy my product demands in the description, transforming even the most skeptical readers into buyers…without batting an eye! >>And after you’ve finished, you’ll put it down for a day and return to infuse even more Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Conversational Hypnosis into my Amazon Sales Description…powering up every phrase, word and story you paint with words that resonate, connect, build rapport and incite rapid action… BONUS #1: Amazon Image Consulting & On-Image Bullet Point Copy. “I understand I simply send you my product images, or image ideas, you tell me if they’ll convert (and how to get them converting even better) and what to write on each…and I get that for FREE! (Consulting Value: $250 Per Hour) BONUS #2: 3 Higher-Converting Product and/or Brand Name Ideas (perfect if you’re not sure how to stand out above the white noise of your competition…and you want to grow your brand into a household name people remember!) Value: $100/Hour |
(Save 50% Off of Industry Standard Pricing for High-Converting Copy)
(Invest in 4 Amazon Product Descriptions, Get 1 FREE. Save an EXTRA 20%!)
AMAZON EMPIRE DOMINATION(BEST VALUE! Invest in 7, Get 3 Amazon Product Descriptions Free!)“Yes! I fully understand the power of investing in an Amazon Empire, in fact I already have 10 products in mind! I realize that I’ll get 10 products for what I’d normally invest for 7 (a $1,275 SAVINGS!) and I’m ready to hire you to transform my stable of Amazon Products into high-powered, SEO infused selling machines today for just $2975!”GET 10 HYPNOTIC AMAZON SALES DESCRIPTIONS NOW
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Mad Love for Your Amazon Empire,
Diane Boerstler, M.NLP
The Hypnotic Amazon Copywriter